• Macro, Micro, and Balanced Perspectives: Thoughts…

    o only see the virtues of individuals, communities or nations is to engage in unhealthy fantasy. To only focus on the flaws of individuals, communities or nations is to engage in destructive misrepresentation of truth. This…
  • Independent Thinking is Indispensable

    This is a collection of short essays by Rabbi Marc D. Angel on the importance of independent thinking. These articles have appeared previously on jewishideas.org
  • Pressures Faced by Posekim: A Personal Reflection

    The process of answering Jewish legal questions starts with knowing the answer, but it does not end there. It moves from there to knowing what other answers are possible and who provides those other answers. INuance,…
  • The Leadership and Traditions of the Sephardi Sage…

    Our concern in this article is with the Sephardic Hakhamim of the past two hundred years who had to contend with questions that arose from the attraction of modernity and the various revolutions that occurred throughout…

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The Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals offers a vision of Orthodox Judaism that is intellectually sound, spiritually compelling, and emotionally satisfying. Based on an unwavering commitment to the Torah tradition and to the Jewish people, it fosters an appreciation of legitimate diversity within Orthodoxy.


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o only see the virtues of individuals, communities or nations is to engage in unhealthy fantasy. To only focus on the flaws of individuals, communities or nations is to engage in destructive misrepresentation of truth. This week’s Torah portion provides a vivid reminder to maintain an all-encompassing macro and micro perspective. Our goal must be not to engage in propaganda, but in an honest and sincere search for truth.
This is a collection of short essays by Rabbi Marc D. Angel on the importance of independent thinking. These articles have appeared previously on jewishideas.org
The process of answering Jewish legal questions starts with knowing the answer, but it does not end there. It moves from there to knowing what other answers are possible and who provides those other answers. INuance, complexity, and sensitivity to the community are part of the tools used by those who answer questions of Jewish law.
Our concern in this article is with the Sephardic Hakhamim of the past two hundred years who had to contend with questions that arose from the attraction of modernity and the various revolutions that occurred throughout from the 18th to the 20th centuries-- the political, social, cultural, and technological revolutions. These Hakhamim were mostly from Muslim countries. Others lived under Christian influence.
As we are approaching Rabbi Marc Angel’s 80th birthday IYH (July 25, 2025), our Institute is planning a special publication in commemoration of the occasion. Your participation in the Scroll of Honor will be appreciated.
On Wednesdays, July 17, 24, and 31, from 11:00-12:00 EST, Rabbi Hayyim Angel will give a three-part series on the Book of Isaiah. The classes are over Zoom, and hosted by Lamdeinu Teaneck. To register, and for a fuller listing of Lamdeinu's summer classes, go to: https://www.lamdeinu.org/programs/