
Synagogue affiliation and attendance generally tends to be lower among Jews in their 20s and 30s. Please share your thoughts on this topic by emailing [email protected]

Some words get overused, misused and abused. The words become degraded so that they no longer can be taken at face value. Hyperbole tends to degrade...not to elevate.

In reading the Haggadah, we envision the vast crowd of Israelites who experienced the Exodus first hand. We identify with them and feel part of their peoplehood. At the same time, though, we envision the unique talents and aspirations of each member of the family and community. The goal is to raise all of us to a high level of understanding, solidarity and love.

It is a pity that Presidents' Day is simply treated as a day off from school or work; or a day for special sales. Wouldn't it be far more valuable for children to stay in school and learn about Washington and Lincoln? Wouldn't it be more sensible for all Americans to use the day to learn about the Presidents who helped make the United States a bastion of liberty?

A Jewish organization recently sent an invitation to an important event intended to comba

During the Six Day War in 1967, Israel regained control of East Jerusalem. This was a historic event that returned the ancient holy sites of the Old City to Israeli sovereignty. Yom Yerushalayim has become a day of religious and national commemoration. This year it occurs on Wednesday June 5.

We certainly should draw on the wisdom and scholarship of others, and we should give them due credit when we learn from them and quote their words. But we should not shut off our own brains, nor feel unable to express an opinion without basing it on an earlier source. A thinking Judaism makes us better Jews…and better human beings.

The Jewish philosopher, Martin Buber (1878-1965) was among the most influential thinkers of his time. His writings had a powerful impact on the Swedish diplomat, Dag Hammarskjold (1905-1961), who served as the second Secretary General of the United Nations, from April 1953 until his death in a plane crash in September 1961. They shared a great dream for the U.N. which was founded in June 1945.

Like many of you, I have worked hard for many years to make a living. I have always paid my taxes in full; I have always repaid my loans in full; I have never asked or received government help to pay my bills. Are we honest citizens a vanishing breed?

Why on Earth are we so very obsessed with time during prayer when we should consider ourselves to be in a place beyond time and space?