View our recent program on Breastfeeding in Halakhah on YouTube!

As of this writing, over 300 people have viewed our recent program on Breastfeeding in Halakhah. We are thrilled to reach people on such an important topic, and are grateful to the Institute for making such vital programming an essential aspect of what we do to promote our vision to the broader community.

View the program on Breastfeeding at


Please also view other recent symposia we have run, and of course please share the links with your friends:

Celebrating Rabbi Marc Angel's 50 years in the Rabbinate:

Torah Education and Morality:

Conversion to Judaism:

Please browse our YouTube channel for many other lectures and programs by Rabbi Marc Angel and Rabbi Hayyim Angel.

Thank you to all our members and supporters who make these and other programs possible.

Rabbi Hayyim Angel

National Scholar