Conference for University Students: April 14

Rabbi Marc D. Angel

Conference for University Students:

Where the Yeshiva Meets the University

Sunday, April 14, 10:30am to 2pm
Congregation Shearith Israel, 8 West 70th St., New York, NY
Just steps from the B/C and 1/2/3 at 72nd Street

Sponsored by the University Network of the Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals. This program, including lunch, is free for college and graduate students--but advance reservations are required:

Register today at jewishì

Join students from around New York for a stimulating
conversation with Rabbi Hayyim Angel!

10 to 10:30am Registration
10:30 to 1 1:45-- Orthodoxy & Biblical Archeology: Friends or Foes?
11:45 to 12:45 Lunch
12:45 to 2pm-- Sarah’s Treatment of Hagar: Morals, Messages & Mesopotamia

Rabbi Hayyim Angel is a fun, approachable and inspiring rabbi who has written over 100 scholarly articles and 10 books on Tanakh. He currently teaches advanced Tanakh courses at Yeshiva University and lectures widely.

LIMITED TRAVEL SUBSIDIES AVAILABLE: If you aren’t within the New York City area but would like to attend, the Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals can offer limited travel subsidies. For more information, please contact Rabbi Marc D. Angel at [email protected], indicating the school you attend and the travel subsidy you are requesting.