Conversations Author Index

Author Title Date Issue number Page Nos.
Alhadeff, Emily K. Meaning and Authenticity in a Contradictory World: Thoughts on Spirituality, Modern Orthodoxy, and Meaning Spring 2013/5773 16 119-129
Amsellem, Chaim Acceptance of the Commandments for Conversion Autumn 2012/5773 14 91-117
Angel Arking, Ronda Arbeit Macht Frei Autumn 2011/5772 11 149-151
Angel Arking, Ronda “A Spirit of Inquiry:” Grace Aguilar’s Private Spirituality and Progressive Orthodoxy Autumn 2017/5778 29 32-42
Angel Arking, Ronda Voices in Baltimore Spring 2014/5774 19 52-55
Angel, Hayyim The Yeshiva and the Academy Autumn 2014/5775 20 91-97
Angel, Hayyim Short Book Reviews Fall 2023/5784 42 88-111
Angel, Hayyim The Tower of Babel: A Case Study in Combining Traditional and Academic Bible Methodologies Winter 2013/5773 15 135-143
Angel, Hayyim The Chosen People: An Ethical Challenge Winter 2017/5777 27 38-47
Angel, Hayyim Identity, Royalty and Contentment: Breastfeeding in Tanakh Spring 2022/5782 39 58-66