(Rabbis Weiss and Angel are co-founders of the International
Rabbinic Fellowship, an association of Orthodox rabbis who foster an
intellectually vibrant, open, compassionate and inclusive Orthodox Judaism. The
Fellowship held a preliminary conference in October 2007, at which it was
decided to establish the <st1:stockticker>IRF</st1:stockticker> on a formal
basis. The <st1:stockticker>IRF</st1:stockticker>’s inaugural conference was
held in <st1:place><st1:city>West Palm Beach</st1:city>, <st1:state>Florida</st1:state></st1:place>,
<st1:date month="4" day="29" year="2008">April 29-30, 2008</st1:date>.)
Rabbinic Fellowship, an association of Orthodox rabbis who foster an
intellectually vibrant, open, compassionate and inclusive Orthodox Judaism. The
Fellowship held a preliminary conference in October 2007, at which it was
decided to establish the <st1:stockticker>IRF</st1:stockticker> on a formal
basis. The <st1:stockticker>IRF</st1:stockticker>’s inaugural conference was
held in <st1:place><st1:city>West Palm Beach</st1:city>, <st1:state>Florida</st1:state></st1:place>,
<st1:date month="4" day="29" year="2008">April 29-30, 2008</st1:date>.)