Rabbi Hayyim Angel will be offering two classes over Zoom next week.
On Sunday, March 9, 9:00-10:00 pm EST, Rabbi Angel will teach a class on Megillat Esther: What They Didn't Teach Us in Day School. The class is sponsored by Sephardic Bikur Holim and Ezra Bessaroth in Seattle, Washington.
Free and open to the public.
Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/
On Tuesday, March 11, 8:00-9:00 pm EST, Rabbi Angel will teach a class on Insights into Shemot-Exodus Chapter 32.
The class is sponsored by Ben Porat Yosef Yeshiva Day School in Paramus, New Jersey.
Free and open to the public.
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5413950938?pwd=dSszMGFUNEgrQlY3blc2K1hzYzdCUT09#success