Shalom and best wishes. Here are a few items for your attention/action. We have quite a few new members since our last newsletter, so I'm repeating some information from previous newsletters.
1. REMINDER: the University Network is sponsoring an essay contest on
the theme, "Orthodoxy and Spirituality". Members of the University
Network are invited to submit essays (4-10 pages, double spaced) by the
March 1 deadline, to [email protected] [1] and to [email protected] [2]
The top three submissions will win awards of $150 and will have their
essays published in a future issue of our journal, Conversations, and
on our website.
2. If you haven't already done so, please join our University Network online discussion group. You can sign up at: [email protected] [3] Your participation will enhance the usefulness and effectiveness of the discussion group.
3. If you have questions, comments, suggestions--please feel free to communicate with us via email: [email protected] [1] or [email protected] [2]
4. You are welcome to add comments to the blog on the Institute's website:
5. The new issue of Conversations is on the theme Orthodoxy: Faith, Science and the Pursuit of Truth. There was a bit of a glitch at the mailing house, so the journals are being mailed out later than expected. You should receive your copies fairly soon. If you don't receive one within the next two weeks, please contact me.
6. You should be receiving the weekly Angel for Shabbat column. If you haven't been receiving it, please let me know.