The Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals is pleased to announce that Alisa Bodner has been appointed as Coordinator of the University Network. Alisa has excellent experience working with university students and doing Jewish proramming on college campuses. Below is a letter from Alisa, and an announcement of a new initiative: The Campus Fellowship Program. We are looking to establish "Jewish Ideas Clubs" on campuses throughout North America. If you'd like to become a Campus Fellow, please read the following information, and submit your application as soon as possible--no later than February 5th. We want to have this program in operation for the spring term, 2011. To apply, you must be a registered undergraduate student in a college in the United States or Canada.
Dear University Students,
I am pleased to introduce to you the first ever University Network Campus Fellowship Program of the Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals. Quite often, Jewish university students are exposed to challenging ideas that they never encountered, or to different situations that they are forced to confront. They are more inclined to ask questions about Orthodox Judaism and to meet others with whom they can discuss their thoughts. College campuses do not always offer students an outlet to ask such questions or to seek answers. One of the goals of the Campus Fellowship program is to provide students an outlet to discuss issues pertaining to Judaism and Orthodoxy with other individuals and provide them a forum to do so in an open, inclusive manner. Campus Fellows will be selected to implement “Jewish Ideas” clubs on their campus, where students can come together to debate, question and discuss different issues pertaining to contemporary Orthodox Judaism. I will work alongside each campus fellow in the process and provide him/her with the guidelines for implementing the club and appropriate programming on campus. Campus Fellows will be chosen for the Campus Fellowship for the Spring 2011 semester and will receive a stipend of $300 per semester, once the semester is completed.
Interested undergraduate students should refer to the attached application and submit it by February 5th, 2011 to [email protected]. We look forward to reading your applications and inviting you into our Campus Fellowship program.
Alisa Bodner
Coordinator of the University Network, Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals
The University Network was established by Rabbi Marc Angel to provide a forum for Jewish university students who are looking for an intellectually vibrant and inclusive Orthodox Judaism. In an effort to expand the reach of the University Network and to give more students the opportunity to participate, the Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals ( is launching a Campus Fellowship program for campuses in the US and Canada. One Campus Fellow per university will be selected for this program and will be responsible for setting up a “Jewish Ideas” Club on his/her campus. Details of the program and the responsibilities of the Campus Fellow follow below. Interested students should fill out the attached application and submit it to Alisa Bodner via email [email protected] by February 5th, 2011.
Responsibilities of Campus Fellow:
1. Organize a minimum of 2 programs per semester on his/her campus:
The purpose of the program is to give Jewish students the opportunity to engage with each other, debate, ask questions and seek knowledge about issues pertaining to Orthodox Judaism. The program can consist of a discussion group led by the campus fellow relating to a pertinent topic, a speaker supplied by the Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals, a video and follow up discussion, etc. After each program, the Campus Fellow will be responsible for submitting a summary of the event.
2 Expand the University Network on his/her campus:
The Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals and its University Network are not yet well known among most university students. The Campus Fellow will be responsible for recruiting students on his/her campus to become part of the University Network (enrollment in the University Network is free). The University Network sends members the Institute’s journal, Conversations, which appears 3 times a year. The Campus Fellow will distribute copies of Conversations to interested students. The University Network also sends out email newsletters and runs an online forum. The Campus Fellow will encourage each student who attends an event to enroll in the University Network, which can be done on the Institute’s website,
3 Write 1 article for the Institute’s website
The Campus Fellow will write one article to be featured on our website, The article can discuss an aspect of Orthodoxy on campus or can relate to themes relating to contemporary Judaism and Jewish life.
Each Campus Fellow will receive a stipend of $300 per semester. Campus Fellows will be in contact will each other to discuss their progress and to share their ideas about the programs they are planning on their campuses. Campus Fellows will also be in contact with the Campus Fellowship Coordinator throughout the semester. Each Campus Fellow will be listed in the University Network newsletter with his/her email address and college that he/she attends, so that other students can contact them to get involved.
Undergraduate students who demonstrate leadership qualities and who are interested in being part of the first ever Campus Fellowship program should complete the application below and submit it by February 5th, 2011 to [email protected].
University Network of Jewish Ideas and Ideals
Spring 2011 Campus Fellowship
Application Form
- Please describe your leadership experience on and off campus:
2. Please describe your extracurricular activities on and off campus:
3. Please provide suggestions of programs you would like to implement for the Jewish Ideas Club as a Campus Fellow:
4. How would you recruit other students on your campus to be part of the Jewish Ideas Club?
Essay Question: Please explain why you would like to be chosen as a Campus Fellow (No more than 1 page)