Shalom and best wishes for a happy Pessah. Moadim leSimha.
Our University Network now has about 200 members. Most are in the United States, and we also have members in Canada, Israel, Turkey, Lithuania, Italy and other countries. It would be good if all of you would participate in the online discussion group, not only to share ideas, but to get to know each other. You are a remarkable group. I have enjoyed individual email correspondence with many of you. If I can be of any assistance, please feel free to contact me directly at [email protected]
Congratulations to the three winners of the University Network essay contest: Gila Heller (Brandeis University); Noah Leavitt (BRGS and Yeshivat Chovevei Torah); and Baruch Pelta (Touro South). You can read the winning essays on our website: We thank all those who submitted essays for the contest, and look forward to sponsoring other such contests in the future.
The next issue of our journal, Conversations, is due out in May. The theme is Orthodoxy and Diversity. Please be sure we have your correct mailing address. You can update your address at your My Account page on the website,
We will be happy to send you past issues of Conversations free of charge. Please let me know which issue(s) you need, and the address to which Conversations should be mailed. Issues one and two are no longer in print. Here are the issues you may request:
Issue 3--Orthodoxy and Religious Leadership
Issue 4--Orthodoxy and Religious Education
Issue 5--Orthodoxy: Family and Gender Issues
Issue 6--Orthodoxy: Faith, Science and the Pursuit of Truth
Please invite your classmates and friends to enroll in the University Network. It's a free service to the student community, and we welcome your help in spreading the word. Thanks.