Shalom uvrakha. I hope you all had a good Pessah. Best wishes to you as the academic year draws to a close. Here are a few reminders.
1. The next issue of our journal, Conversations, is due out in mid-May. The theme is: Orthodoxy and Diversity. Please make sure that we have your correct mailing address by going to your My Account page on the Institute's website:
2. The University Network is for students registered in college or graduate school. If you are graduating or have already graduated, please let me know. You can continue to be part of the Institute's extended community by becoming a contributing member or simply by staying registered on the website. But if you are no longer enrolled in college or graduate school, you should sign out of the University Network.
3. We have a limited number of back issues of Conversations, which we'd be happy to send to you free of charge. Please email me with the issues you would like, and be sure to include the mailing address to which the issues should be sent.
Conversations, issue 3: Orthodoxy and Religious Leadership
Conversations, issue 4: Orthodoxy and Religious Education
Conversations, issue 5: Orthodoxy: Family and Gender Issues
Conversations, issue 6: Orthodoxy: Faith, Science and the Pursuit of Truth
4. We have a limited number of copies of my novel, The Search Committee, which we would be happy to send to members of the University Network free of charge. Please make your request, giving your mailing address, by emailing me at [email protected]
5. We welcome your comments and suggestions. Please feel free to contact me or [email protected].