The Israel Advocacy Force: Jewish, Muslim and Christian Voices for Israel

In today's global battle of narratives, advocating for Israel's right to exist and thrive is a task too crucial to be left solely to Israelis and Jews in the diaspora. As we navigate the complex and often hostile international landscape, it becomes increasingly clear that some of the most compelling voices in this struggle are those of non-Jews. Their involvement in advocating for Israel is not just beneficial—it is essential.

"In the face of extreme jihadism and the influence of organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood, Israel's advocacy needs to transition from a defensive posture to an offensive strategy" says Adv. Ariel Averbuch, the Founder and Chairman of TIAF – "The Israel Advocacy Force", a unique project aimed at providing non-Israelis with the tools and means for an effective advocacy for Israel and the free world, especially in battling extreme jihadist ideology.

TIAF is not just another advocacy group; it is a pioneering initiative that seeks to fundamentally shift the way Israel's narrative is communicated on the global stage. TIAF was created to empower non-Jewish voices, particularly Muslims, in advocating for Israel. This approach not only broadens the base of support for Israel but also challenges the prevailing narratives that often pit Israel against the Muslim world.

The organization currently involves a diverse network of over 150 dedicated advocates from around the world, including influential Jewish, Muslim, Christian, and other non-Jewish supporters. These individuals are trained and equipped with the tools and resources necessary to effectively communicate Israel's story, counter misinformation, and promote a message of peace and coexistence. By focusing on non-Jewish advocates, TIAF taps into a powerful reservoir of voices that can resonate in communities and regions where traditional pro-Israel messaging may not have the same impact.

One of TIAF's key projects is the development of a specialized messaging toolkit that its advocates use to address various audiences. This toolkit is tailored to resonate with different cultural, religious, and social contexts, ensuring that our messages are not only heard but also understood and embraced. This strategic approach has already yielded significant results, with the advocates making inroads in regions traditionally hostile to Israel and successfully shifting public opinion in a more favorable direction.

TIAF's work is not without challenges, but the impact it's making is undeniable. By mobilizing non-Jewish voices, especially those of Muslims, TIAF is creating a ripple effect that has the potential to transform the global discourse on Israel. The success of TIAF lies in its ability to unite people of different faiths and backgrounds around a common cause—supporting Israel and standing against extremism.

TIAF is focused on showing that the battle against extreme jihadism is not just Israel's fight; it is a fight for all who value peace, tolerance, and coexistence. By empowering non-Jewish voices, especially Muslims and Christians, to take a leading role in this advocacy, we can create a broader, more inclusive movement that transcends national and religious boundaries.

For too long, Israel and its supporters have focused on countering accusations and justifying Israel's actions. This defensive stance, while necessary at times, is not sufficient to win the ideological battle against those who seek to delegitimize the Jewish state.

When Muslims speak out in favor of Israel, they challenge the prevailing narrative that pits Israel against the Muslim world. Their advocacy sends a powerful message: support for Israel is not a betrayal of Muslim identity, but rather an affirmation of shared values such as peace, coexistence, and the rejection of extremism.

"What the Arab world needs most right now are courageous local voices championing the cause of peace. In these challenging times, it's essential for these brave individuals to step forward and articulate the vital importance of peace within their communities. Their message has never been more crucial." says Bassam Aldoseri, a Muslim Bahraini activist and a team member in TIAF.

The influence of extreme jihadism and the Muslim Brotherhood has long been a source of tension between Israel and many Muslim communities. These groups have successfully propagated a narrative of enmity that has been difficult to counter. However, by elevating the voices of Muslims who reject this narrative, we can begin to dismantle the ideological foundation of jihadism. These advocates can expose the true nature of extremist ideologies—how they manipulate religious beliefs for political gain and spread hatred and division.

And not only Muslims are vital in this battle. From a Christian perspective, the involvement of Christians in advocating for Israel is equally significant. Christians share a deep historical and spiritual connection to the land of Israel. Their voices in support of Israel underscore the universal values of peace, religious freedom, and mutual respect. When Christians advocate for Israel, they reinforce the idea that Israel's right to exist is not merely a political issue but a moral one, deeply rooted in shared Abrahamic traditions.

"As a Christian, I believe our destiny is deeply intertwined with Israel and the Jewish people," says Bill Litster, founder of Better Biz Info and a dedicated member of TIAF. "We have a sacred obligation to stand with our brothers and sisters in Israel, who serve the same God as we do."

In conclusion, the future of Israel’s advocacy must go beyond merely defending the state against its detractors. It lies in actively promoting a proactive vision of peace and cooperation, drawing on the support of all people of goodwill, regardless of their background. By transitioning from defense to offense and by amplifying the non-Jewish voices, we can forge a new path forward—one where Israel's right to exist is not just defended, but celebrated by a diverse and united global community.