On Monday, February 10, Rabbi Hayyim Angel begins a new trimester at the Beit Midrash of Teaneck.
We will begin this trimester (which runs through April 2) with surveys of the Books of Proverbs, Job, and Daniel, and then move into an in-depth learning exploration of Bereshit-Genesis.
Classes are free and open to the public. Sponsorship opportunities also are available.
Rabbi Hayyim Angel's classes are held on Mondays and Wednesdays, from 12:00-12:45 pm EST.
You may attend live at the Jewish Center of Teaneck: 70 Sterling Place, Teaneck, New Jersey.
You also may attend on Zoom.
Classes also are recorded and archived, so you may access them at any time.
To register and receive the Zoom links and all scheduling information, please contact [email protected]