Special Offer for University Network Members

Shalom and best wishes for the New Year. Happy Succoth.

I hope you've received the new issue of Conversations, the journal of the Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals. Its theme is: Orthodoxy: Family and Gender Issues. Please let me know if you have/have not received it. It's an important issue and I think you'll find it of great interest.

SPECIAL OFFER: I'm coming out with a new book, scheduled to be available late October/early November. It is entitled: Maimonides, Spinoza and Us: Toward an Intellectually Vibrant Judaism. The book explores basic teachings of Judaism through the prism of Maimonidean rationalism, while taking into consideration the critiques and challenges of Spinoza. The book's third component is: Us. How do we, living in an intellectual climate different from that of Maimonides and Spinoza, use our reason and maintain our faith? The Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals, thanks to the generosity of a supporter, will send a free copy of this book to any university student on our University Network. All you have to do is send me an email with your name and mailing address, with a request to receive the book. Also, please feel free to let your fellow students know about the University Network, and ask them to register online at jewishideas.org. They are also welcome to receive the free copy of this book.

Please email your request to [email protected]

A number of members of the University Network have turned to me with various questions--religious, personal, academic etc. I'm always happy to be of assistance to the best of my ability. Don't hesitate to contact me if you have something on your mind you'd like to address. Shalom uvrakha.