Shalom uvrakha, Rabbi Daniel Braune-Friedman heads our Campus Fellows program, and has prepared this short report:
The Jewish Ideas Campus Fellowship Spring Semester has begun! We are happy to welcome three new fellows joining us this month. From New York University fellow Danielle Panitch, from University of Texas Elan Kogutt and from Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, Eli Yoggev. Each brings a unique brand of Modern Orthodoxy and we wish them success in their important work.
Before mentioning some of our plans for this semester we have to take a second to look back on the wide range of ways our students expanded the influence of Modern Orthodoxy for their fellow students. Our biggest event was the Shabbaton in the Boston/Cambridge area with special thanks to the Rabbi Arthur A. Jacobovitz Institute. Students also heard from Rabbis Chaim Rapaport and Rabbi Menachem Leibtag at Brandeis University and Queens College respectively. We had various classes, chaburahs and coffee shop discussions and classes ranging from the nature of God to Feminism to the Age of the Universe and the Future of Jewish Education.
Coming up in February we have a few great events already planned
Feb 3-Rabbi Aryeh Klapper will speak at the University of Massachusetts
Feb 8- Rivka Hia and Sarah Robinson will lead a Jewish identity discussion at Stern College
Feb 20-There will be a Pluralism discussion at the University of Texas
Feb 20-University of Maryland will host a Modern Orthodox PartnerUp session
If you would like more information about these programs and updates about others, please email me at University students are encouraged to register for our University Network. It is a free service to students. More information and registration details are available on the bottom right of our homepage at
If you are interested in serving as a Campus Fellow on your campus, please contact