
As Orthodox Rabbis, We Support the Israeli Supreme Court Decision

The Israeli Supreme Court has ruled that the State of Israel must recognize conversions performed by Conservative and Reform rabbis in Israel, for purposes of Israeli Jewish citizenship. This decision has raised a firestorm of controversy, with much of the Orthodox religious and political leadership condemning it. Rabbis Weiss and Angel offer a positive Orthodox response. This article appeared in the March 4, 2021 Jerusalem Post.

Jewish Americans Deserve Hate Crime Protection

President Joe Biden signed the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act, which had been passed overwhelmingly by both houses of Congress. It is a forceful response to the disgraceful attacks on Asian-Americans by bigots who blamed them for the Covid-19 pandemic. Nothing of the sort appears to be contemplated in response to the attacks by Palestinian sympathizers on Jewish-American persons, synagogues, and restaurants during and after the latest Israel-Hamas conflict.

Interpersonal Mitzvoth and Mitzvoth Between Humans and God

It is well known that all mitzvoth fall into two major categories: those between humans are God-bein adam laMakom, and those between humans and their fellows-bein adam leHaveiro. The question we wish to discuss here is which of these two categories is, as it were, more weighty. Formulated differently: If there were to be a clash between two different mitzvoth from these two categories, which one would prevail?