Min haMuvhar
Dating, Self-Disclosure, and Rabbis
In recent months, I have been involved in two divorce matters in which rabbis played a prominent role. In each case, a party informed me how a lack of disclosure of a personality flaw ultimately led to a failed marriage. Unfortunately, in both cases the party who failed to disclose the relevant information was a rabbi. This article will examine whether non-disclosure is a viable option in dating situations.
A Philosophical-Ideological Platform for Modern Orthodox Education
“Wisdom has built her house on seven hewn pillars.” (Mishlei 9:1)
Done With Brain Death
Over the last two decades much ink that has been spilled regarding the halachic analysis of whether or not brain-stem death is equivalent to halachic death. So much has been written, in fact, that from a substantive point of view, little, if anything, new can be said.
Building an Environmentally Sensitive Religious Community
Building an Environmentally Sensitive Religious Community