Conversations Author Index

Author Title Date Issue number Page Nos.
Schotten, Peter Higher Education and Jewish Education: Knowledge is Power Spring 2022/5782 39 67-75
Schotten, Peter Review Article: "The Jews Should Keep Quiet: FDR, R. Stephen Wise, and the Holocaust Spring 2021/5781 37 138-144
Schwartz, Daniel B. I Dread Going to Shul Winter 2011/5771 9 139-145
Schwartz, Daniel B. You’re Talking to God Spring 2014/5774 19 97-101
Schwarzschild How Much Autonomy Do You Want? Autumn 2012/5773 14 32-43
Schwarzschild, Maimon How we Judge the Judges Autumn 2010/5771 8 83-94
Shafner, Hyim Don’t Give Up the Shul: Reorienting Our Synagogues Spring 2014/5774 19 45-51
Shafner, Hyim The Endangered Next Generation of Israeli-American Jews Winter 2016/5776 24 79-81
Shafner, Hyim Learning from the Bene Israel of India Spring 2012/5772 13 90-95
Shamah, Morris Observations of an Observant Ophthalmologist 6 39-43