Conversations Author Index

Author Title Date Issue number Page Nos.
Angel, Marc D. Teachings of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel Autumn 2021/5782 38 37-41
Angel, Marc D. Rabbi Dr. David de Sola Pool: Sephardic Visionary and Activist Spring 2017/5777 28 9-31
Angel, Maxine On Local Responsibility Spring 2024/5784 43 23-26
Angel, Maxine O. A Tribute to Daily Minyan: From the Other Side of the Mehitsa Winter 2011/5771 9 151-154
Anonymous Thou Shalt Not Oppress the Ger Spring 2009/5769 4 139-146
Antine, Nissan and Fruchter, Hadas Leading from Both Sides of the Mehitza Spring 2018/5778 31 130-134
Appleman, Jeannie Social Justice and Activism in Our Synagogues Autumn 2008/5769 2 67-72
April, Robert Emile Zola's Moral Outrage: The Ethics of Whistle-blowing Today and Then Autumn 2010/5771 8 71-82
Aranoff, Shera Tuchman The Akeida--Sarah's Test of Faith? Autumn 2009/5770 5 165-173
Ariha, Yigal Ears that Can Hear: Israel Education for the 21st Century Spring 2011/5771 10 42-47