
Conversations is the print journal of the Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals.

Conversations focuses on major themes confronting our community. It discusses major issues in contemporary Orthodox and general Jewish life. We have had an overwhelmingly positive response from our many readers. The journal has attracted articles from a diverse group of writers, scholars, rabbis and communal activists.

It is lively, thought-provoking - it generates discussions and conversations. Conversations provides the community - Orthodox and non-Orthodox alike - with a forum that demonstrates the intellectual vibrancy, diversity and creativity within the Orthodox Jewish world.

How to get Conversations

Conversations is mailed directly to active members of the Institute. Please be sure your address is current in your My Account area. Please consider becoming a member of the Institute to receive this and many other benefits.

Conversations Issues

This issue offers a range of articles on an expansive, inclusive and engaged Orthodoxy. Among the authors are Senator Joseph Lieberman, Rabbi Marc Angel and Pamela Ehrenkranz. Articles deal with expanding our intellectual horizons; interfaith relations; travel; music, and other topics.

This special issue of Conversations includes a collection of articles by Rabbi Hayyim Angel. Among the topics are: Religious Tanakh Methodology; Dogma and Heresy; the Chosen People; Conversion; Afterlife in Jewish Thought; Tradition and Modernity.

This issue includes articles by veteran rabbis and educators, reflecting on how Orthodoxy and the Jewish community have changed over the past decades. Articles not only describe religious and sociological transformations, but also point to ongoing trends and future expectations.

This issue includes articles dealing with such topics as: teaching middot and derekh erets; methods of teaching Tanakh and midrashim; religious extremism; alienation and kirruv; Jews on campus; Israelis; Sephardim; converts; relating Orthodox teachings to modern Western sensibilities.

This is a remarkable collection of articles dealing with the importance of being faithful to tradition, while also recognizing the breadth and vitality of tradition. This issue features articles dealing with the halakhic process, Agunah, conversion, academic study of Judaism, and more.