

This is the story of one Jewish family's confrontation with the Holocaust--a Sephardic family from the Island of Rhodes.

Zoom class by Rabbi Hayyim Angel: Judaism and Humanity

How does the Torah and Jewish Thought relate to the rest of humanity?
Join National Scholar Rabbi Hayyim Angel for a three-part series on
topics such as The Chosen People, Judaism and Racism, The Resident
Alien in the Bible, and other pertinent discussions pertaining to a
Jewish outlook toward Israel and the Nations.

Wednesdays August 12, 19, and 26, from 12:00-1:00pm Eastern Daylight Time.

The classes are open to the first 100 registrants, so please register here

Exploring the Book of Jeremiah

During this period of the "three weeks" between 17 Tammuz and 9 Av, it is customary to focus on various Biblical and Talmudic texts relating to the destruction of our Temples in ancient Jerusalem. We are posting Rabbi Hayyim Angel's discussion of the book of Jeremiah, a prophet contemporary with the destruction of the First Temple by the Babylonians in 586 BCE.

Grace Aguilar and Modernity

Grace Aguilar (1816-1847) was concerned that the wave of modernism was undermining the foundations of traditional religious life. Jews were seeking success in the secular world; the bond of religion was weakening. She was particularly aware of the spiritual crisis among youth, and she was a strong voice for women's spiritual development.

Review Article: "The Jews Should Keep Quiet: FDR, R. Stephen Wise, and the Holocaust

Rafael Medoff describes President Roosevelt’s dealings with Rabbi Stephen Wise as being manipulative, dishonest and expedient.  Charmed by Roosevelt's commitment to progressive causes, Rabbi Wise (who helped found the ACLU, was a board member of the NAACP and was active in women's suffrage, labor and disarmament causes), found Roosevelt politically admirable.