It's All Relative: The Contemporary Orthodox Jewish Family in America
“It’s All Relative: The Contemporary Orthodox Jewish Family in America”
by Chaim I. Waxman
'Are There Any Jews in Ghana?' -- Hierarchies of Obligation and the Jewish Community
Are there any Jews in Ghana?' I was asked this question numerous times after my return from Sub-SaharanAfrica in January, 2008. I had participated in a service trip with the AmericanJewish World Service (AJWS) through which 25 rabbinical students from acrossthe denominational spectrum, together with group leaders and ascholar-in-residence (Rabbi Rolando Matalon of Congregation Bnei Jeshurun inNew York,) had visited a village in Ghana to work with the local community andto learn about the challenges facing people there.
A Parent's Perspective on Torah Education
In his Yad haHazakah, Rambam writes:
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