University Network News

Rabbi Marc D. Angel

Shalom uvrakha, and best wishes for a happy Pessah.
Here are a few items that may be of interest to you:

1. We are now accepting applications from those who wish to serve as Campus Fellows during the coming academic year. Campus Fellows receive a stipend of $300 per semester, plus some funding toward event expenses. Campus Fellows arrange two events per semester, dealing with topics of interest to those seeking an intellectually vibrant, compassionate and inclusive Orthodox Judaism. If you'd like to apply, please email Raif Melhado for details: [email protected] Deadline for applications is May 15, so please contact Raif asap.

2. FREE BOOKS: Through the generosity of a supporter of the Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals, we can offer students the following books at no charge (while supplies last). If you'd like any or all of these titles, please email [email protected], indicating which titles you'd like, and the address to which they should be mailed.

Losing the Rat Race, Winning at Life by Rabbi Marc D. Angel

The Search Committee, a novel by Rabbi Marc D. Angel

Maimonides: Essential Teachings in Jewish Faith and Ethics, by Rabbi M. D. Angel

Religious Zionism of Rav Kook, by Pinchas Polonsky

3. Please feel free to contact Rabbi Marc D. Angel if you have questions in halakha, hashkafa, personal issues etc. Also, please visit Rabbi Angel's youtube programs, at

4. Please let fellow students know about the University Network, and encourage them to enroll at There's no fee to sign up, and members receive our journal, Conversations, and other items of interest. They also may participate in our online discussion group.

5. Shalom uvrakha, and Moadim leSimha.