Special Offer to University Network Members

Shalom uvrakha,

I hope your academic year is going well.

Thanks to the generosity of members of the Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals, we are offering the following books to members of the University Network at no charge. If you'd like any or all of them, please email me your choice/s, your mailing address, the name of the University at which you are a student. Please send your request to [email protected]

Words and Deeds: Thoughts for Parashat Re'eh

Has this ever happened to you? People say they love you and respect you…but then act in a manner which is unloving and disrespectful. Have you ever noticed when people say they believe in this cause or that cause…but then proceed to ignore it and refrain from supporting it. They express the best of intentions about this or that…but then act in a way that negates these professed intentions.

Remembering Dad: Thoughts for Parashat Eikev

The first word of this week's Parasha is "vehaya"--and it will be. The great 18th century Moroccan Jewish sage, Rabbi Hayyim Benattar, notes in his commentary Or ha-Hayyim that this word implies happiness. He would interpret the first verse of the Parasha to mean: if you will be careful in keeping these ordinances [of the Torah] and you will observe and fulfill them--then you will be happy! God will fulfill His covenant and compassion as He promised to your ancestors.

A Spirituality Crisis: Thoughts for Parashat Balak

A Spirituality Crisis
by Rabbi Marc D. Angel
(from jewishideas.org)

There is a feeling among many Jews, including many Orthodox Jews, that worship in the synagogue lacks adequate inspiration and spirituality. Among the complaints: the synagogue ritual is chanted by rote; the prayers are recited too quickly; the prayers are recited too slowly; the service is not understood by congregants; people talk too much in synagogue; the services do not involve everyone in a meaningful way.

Conversations, not Diatribes: Thoughts for Parashat Korah

Here are two views on fairness; with which one do you agree more?

A. It is only fair that those who are wealthier should share with those who have less. The essential health of a society is based on compassion and caring, a spirit of responsibility for all members of society.

B. It is only fair that people should be allowed to keep what they earn through their own hard work. The essential health of a society is based on respect for individual rights and individual choices.