A Woman of Valor: Thoughts for Parashat Beha'aloteha

By Rabbi Marc D. Angel

Aaron the High Priest was commanded to light the menorah. The Torah describes his action with the word "beha'aloteha," when you raise the lights. Rashi comments that Aaron was supposed to kindle the lights so they would rise on their own. Symbolically, this image applies to the role of parents and teachers: they are supposed to educate and inspire the young so that the children/students are able to rise on their own. The goal is to fashion responsible human beings who can act properly on their own.

Remembering a Great Parnas: Thoughts for Parashat Behar

By Rabbi Marc D. Angel

This is the period of the anniversary of the passing of Mr. Edgar J. Nathan 3rd, who died in May 2013. Edgar was a distinguished attorney and communal leader and served as Parnas (president) of Congregation Shearith Israel in New York from 1968 to 1991. A descendant of early members and leaders of the Congregation going back to Colonial American days, he was the personification of a wise and thoughtful gentleman, a man of gravitas and steady good judgment.

Holiness and Our Synagogues: Thoughts for Parashat Emor

I recently received a communication from an individual who had been very active in his synagogue, but who has grown increasingly disillusioned. He feels that his congregation is controlled by a small clique of wealthy individuals who have little regard for the feelings of members of the congregation. He finds that the rabbi of his synagogue is not easily accessible and is not a particularly spiritual person (e.g.

Talking to a Rock: Thoughts for Parashat Hukkat, June 27, 2015

This week’s Parasha includes one of the most perplexing episodes in the Torah. The Israelites complain bitterly that they have no water to drink, that they will die of thirst, that they should have remained in Egypt rather than suffer such a terrible fate. God tells Moses and Aaron to gather the people, to speak to a rock, and that water would come forth from the rock to quench the people’s thirst.

Spirituality and Rituality: Thoughts for Parashat Terumah

The essence of authentic religion is developing a deep spirituality, a feeling of God’s presence in one’s life. This spiritual sense not only imbues the individual with personal meaning, but also leads to living a moral, righteous life.

Our Bible presents the words and prophetic experiences of ancient Israelites, providing examples of religion at its highest spiritual moments. Yet, the Bible understands that our daily lives cannot maintain the highest level of spirituality at all times. We need rituals and rites that can serve to bring us into relationship with God on a daily basis, not only at moments of spiritual insight.

The War Within: Thoughts for Parashat Ki Tetsei

The Torah portion opens with a discussion about going to war. Many of our rabbinic commentators have expanded the meaning of the text to refer not to wars against external enemies, but to wars against our own evil inclinations. These internal wars are battles for self-definition. Either we can win and live meaningfully and happily; or we can lose by succumbing to pressures that lead us to abandon our own values and ideals.

The Real Dream of Happiness: Thoughts for Parashat Ki Tavo

A criminal justice Professor at the University of Alabama, Dr. Adam Lankford, recently spoke to a group of sociologists. He attempted to understand the all-too frequent mass shootings that take place in the United States. Although the U.S. represents only 5% of the world’s population, it accounts for 31% of public mass shooters. Between 1966 and 2012, 62% of all school and workplace shooters were American.

Shana Tova: Updates; Special offer

Shalom uvrakha, and best wishes for the New Year. As the academic year gets underway, please let us know if you've changed your mailing address since last year. We want to be sure that you are receiving our journal, Conversations, as well as other periodic mailings/publications that we send to members of the Universityl Network.

SPECIAL OFFER: The Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals offers members of the University Network the following publications, at no cost to you. Please email [email protected] and let me know which title/s you'd like, as well as the address to which the package should be mailed.
1. The Koren Pirkei Avot, with commentary by Rabbi Marc D. Angel