Wide Open Thinking: A Conference for Students in the New York Area--April 27 at NYU

Students in the New York area are invited to participate in a conference on the reason-based religious philosophy of Maimonides and how it can impact on our lives today.

Are there limits on how Jews should use their minds? Join Rabbis Marc Angel and Dov Linzer at NYU for a free lunch and a fascinating discussion that uses the writings of Maimonides to explore this question.

Participants will receive a complementary copy of Rabbi Hayyim Angel's new book, "A Synagogue Companion."

Register at https://jewishideas.wufoo.com/forms/registration/

This event is sponsored by the Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals (jewishideas.org), the Rabbi Arthur A. Jacobovitz Institute, and Hillel at NYU.

12:30 – Lunch

Rethinking Tseniut: Thoughts for Parashat Kedoshim, April 26, 2014

(The Angel for Shabbat for Parashat Kedoshim is a reprint of an article I wrote that appeared in “Conversations,” the journal of the Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals, issue no. 12.)

The Torah provides a framework for sexual morality. Its legal prescriptions specify forbidden relationships; its narratives describe behavior and dress that reflect attitudes relating to sexuality and modesty.

The Torah’s view of sexual relationships might best be seen as fulfilling the overarching command that we be a holy people (vaYikra 19:2). Indeed, Rashi, in his commentary on this verse, identifies holiness with separation from forbidden sexual relationships.

Counting on Us:Thoughts for Parashat Bemidbar, May 24, 2014

Here are a few recent news items: (Please have your aspirins ready!)

A former Prime Minister of Israel was sentenced to a prison term for illegal business dealings.

An Israeli man was arrested for trying to export jet parts to Iran.

An Orthodox head of a Jewish charity agency in New York was arrested and pleaded guilty to embezzling millions of dollars.

An Orthodox rabbi and three accomplices, who were ostensibly raising funds for a school for disadvantaged children in Brooklyn, were arrested for embezzling millions of dollars.

All of these people are well educated. They all know right from wrong. They all know that their deeds were illegal and immoral. Yet, they went right ahead and committed crimes.


Special Offer to Members of the University Network

Shalom uvrakha, I hope you had a good Pessah, and I wish you all the best during these closing weeks of the academic year.

We have a special offer for members of the University Network, thanks to the generosity of a supporter of our Institute. I've just come out with a new book of short stories, "The Crown of Solomon and Other Stories." If you'd like a free copy of the book, please email me at [email protected] and give me your mailing address.

As an added bonus, you may also receive a free copy of a novel I wrote a few years back, "The Search Committee." Please let me know if you'd like either or both of these books.

Themes of Shabbat: Thoughts for Parashat Vayakhel, February 22, 2014

This week’s Parasha begins with Moses gathering the people of Israel and reminding them of the sanctity of the Sabbath. As they are busy with the construction of the Mishkan (sanctuary), they are not to lose sight of the overarching lessons of Shabbat.

The holiness of Shabbat is not observable objectively. Unlike Rosh Hodesh or the seasonal festivals, there is no clear pattern in the natural world which would indicate that the seventh day of each week should be sacred. There is no scientifically observable difference between time on the Sabbath and time on any other day of the week. Shabbat is sacred and special only to those who are spiritually attuned to its sanctity.

Light and Peace: Thoughts for Parashat Ki Tissa, February 15, 2014

On Sunday night, February 9, 2014, I had the honor and pleasure of speaking at the inaugural event of the Centennial celebration of Congregation Or V’Shalom in Atlanta, Georgia. The Congregation dates back to 1914, when two groups of Sephardim from Turkey and Rhodes merged their organizations—Or Hahayim and Ahavath Shalom—into one community. Many of the current members of Or V’Shalom are descendants of the founders’ generation, and many others have joined the congregation, attracted by its warmth and vitality.

Important Reminders for University Network Members

Shalom, and best wishes. Here are a few items for your attention.

CAMPUS FELLOWS: We are currently taking applications for the Campus Fellows program for the coming academic year. Campus Fellows receive a stipend, as well as some funds for program expenses. Campus Fellows are expected to arrange 2 programs per semester, dealing with issues relating to an intellectually vibrant, compassionate and inclusive Orthodox Judaism.
If you would like to apply, please go to our homepage at jewishideas.org. There is an application form on the bottom right of the page. For more information, please contact our new director of the Campus Fellows program, Rabbi Daniel Braune Friedman [email protected]; or Raif Melhado, [email protected]

Justice, Justice: Thoughts for Parashat Shofetim, August 30, 2014

Events of recent weeks have reminded us of what we have always known: people’s judgment is often skewed. Politicians and media personalities pander to their constituencies without strict regard for truthfulness or justice. Terrorists are treated sympathetically, while those fighting terrorists are vilified. Groups decide to boycott a democratic nation, while giving aid and moral support to the vilest of tyrannies.

Why does moral judgment often seem to stray so far from the dictates of reason and truth?