
Sleeping through a Revolution?--Thoughts for Vayakhel-Pekudei

It sometimes feels that we are alone.  But we are not alone; we are part of a much larger “kahal,” a community of idealists and activists. Our “kahal” is spread out around the world and includes revolutionaries who work for change, who contribute their time, energy and financial resources. Our “kahal” does not and will not sleep through a spiritual revolution that must be waged.

Simone Veil: From Survivor to World Leader

Although she was fully and personally aware of human viciousness and cruelty, Simone Veil wanted very much to believe in the ultimate victory of a righteous, compassionate and humane society. “I am convinced that there will always be men and women, of all origins and in all countries, capable of doing what is right and just." We post this article in connection with International Holocaust Remembrance Day, January 27.