

In this age of worldwide insecurity, we generally find people rushing for safety by moving more to the far left or right both politically and religiously. The rise of radical Islam marked by violent behavior such as bombings and beheadings, the threat of a nuclear Iran and even the chaotic state surrounding the recent election of the United States’ President are but a few examples of the fear factor gripping the world today.

Report on our University Network and Campus Fellows Program

Shalom u’vracha to all of our friends and members.

This year has been record breaking for our University Network and Campus Fellowships Program. We are currently on 21 campuses from UCLA to New York University. We have have international fellows at McGill and University of Toronto in Canada, and for the first time in England at Oxford University.

We are off to a great start this semester on our campuses. Our fellows are leading groups tackling various issues in Modern Orthodoxy.

The Genius and Limitations of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik z"l

Thoughts to Ponder 529

The Genius and Limitations of Rabbi Joseph Ber Soloveitchik z”l *

Nathan Lopes Cardozo

Based on an introduction to a discussion between Professor William Kolbrener and Professor Elliott Malamet (1)

Honoring the publication of Professor William Kolbrener’s new book

“The Last Rabbi” (2)

Yad Harav Nissim, Jerusalem, on Feb. 1, 2017