University Network Newsletter

Reminders to members of the University Network

Shalom. Here are a few reminders. We've had some good conversations on the new University Network discussion group, and I encourage you to enroll if you haven't already done so--and I encourage you to add your comments, raise your issues, and help make the discussion group a lively and worthwhile forum.

If you've enrolled on the discussion group but have not been receiving messages, please let me know asap. Today, you should have received the latest comment from Michael Makovi.

Shalom from Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals

Shalom. I hope you've had a good Purim. Here are a few items for members of the University Network.

1. We have received good submissions to our essay contest. The due date is today. If you are still planning to submit something, you may do so until midnight tonight. You should email a copy to [email protected] and to [email protected], and you should indicate which university you attend and what year you're in. The deadline is firm--no extensions.

University Network News

We are pleased to announce the three winners of the University Network essay contest.

GAIL (GILA) HELLER, Brandeis University: "Feminism, Orthodoxy and Spirituality: My Journey to Wearing a Kippah and Back Again"

NOAH LEAVITT, Bernard Revel Graduate School and Yeshivat Chovevei Torah: "The Ethical Impulse in Kabbalah"

BARUCH PELTA, Touro College South: "Judaism: To Thine Own Self Be True"

Updates for University Network of Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals

Shalom uvrakha. I hope you all had a good Pessah. Best wishes to you as the academic year draws to a close. Here are a few reminders.

1. The next issue of our journal, Conversations, is due out in mid-May. The theme is: Orthodoxy and Diversity. Please make sure that we have your correct mailing address by going to your My Account page on the Institute's website:

University Network Update

Shalom. I hope you've been having a good summer, and I wish you all the best. Here are a few items of importance for members of the University Network of the Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals.

1. Please make sure that we have your correct mailing list on file. You may go to our website,, and check your My Account page. We plan to mail out the new issue of Conversations (Orthodoxy and Ethics) in early September, and it's important that we have your correct mailing address.