Thoughts for Shavuoth 5768

Thoughts for Shavuoth 5768

By Rabbi Marc D. Angel

On Shavuoth, we commemorate the awesome Revelation at Mount Sinai, when the Almighty presented the Ten Commandments to the people of Israel. All of the Israelite men, women and children experienced that solemn moment, marking an everlasting covenant between God and the Israelite nation.

Let us imagine that God would invite us to a second Revelation at Sinai, asking all the Jews of the world to attend.

Israel: Dreaming the Great Dreams

Israel: Dreaming the Great Dreams

by Rabbi Marc D. Angel

As we celebrate the 60th anniversary of Israel's independence, we take pride in her incredible achievements; we worry about her many problems; we commit ourselves to her unfolding future. No country on earth has done so much for so many in so short a time--all in the face of implacable enemies who stop at nothing in their efforts to thwart her. We salute the people of Israel. We thank the Almighty for having given us the privilege of living at this special time.

Purification: Thoughts for Shabbat Parah

By Rabbi Marc D. Angel
In ancient times, one who came into contact with the dead body of a human being was considered to be ritually impure and needed to undergo a purification process involving the ashes of a red heifer. It should be remembered that it is a mitzvah to care for a dead body and to participate in a proper funeral and burial. Thus, becoming ritually impure was a “normal” fact of life which occurred to almost everyone.

Messengers and Messages: Thoughts for Shabbat Hanukkah, December 12, 2009

A young man--a convert to Judaism--shared with me some of his frustrations. He had sacrificed mightily to become Jewish. He became estranged from his biological family, many of whom have strongly anti-Jewish attitudes. He changed his lifestyle to conform to the dictates of halakha. He put up with insensitive comments from rabbis and members of the Jewish community.

Thoughts for Hanukkah 2008

by Rabbi Marc D. Angel


I recently had a conversation with a newly-retired person who told me that he tries to find ways "to kill time" now that he no longer works full time. I thought: this man may have 20-30 more years to live; should he be devising ways to "kill" this amount of time?

Might he be planning something more constructive with the time that God allots him?

Thoughts on Hanukkah

Thoughts for Shabbat Hanukkah

by Rabbi Marc D. Angel


The Shabbat of Hanukkah was observed among Sephardim of the Ottoman Empire as "Shabbat Halbashah", the Shabbat of providing clothing for the needy.  Traditionally, the rabbi would deliver a sermon that day on the mitzvah of charity and lovingkindness. Beginning the following day, members of the community would bring clothing to the synagogue and it would be distributed among the poor on Rosh Hodesh Tebet, the sixth day of Hanukkah.