The Ten Suggestions? Thoughts on Parashat Yithro, January 22, 2011

Angel for Shabbat, by Rabbi Marc D. Angel

Modern western civilization trains us to value independence, autonomy, freedom of choice.  We have an aversion to being told what to do by authoritarian figures; rather, we like to make decisions based on our own judgment.  We are open to advice and suggestions; but we  are less than enthusiastic about being bossed around.

A Spanish Politician and Journalist Speaks Up for Israel

Shalom and happy Yom Yetushalayim. I recently received a copy of an article by a leftist Spanish journalist, in which she lambasts "the left" for its blatant anti-Israel prejudice. I thought you would like to see this. Please circulate it among your friends, fellow students, and family. Yes, some journalists still have moral courage. I've also posted this article on the Institute's website:

On Taming our Inner "Cats": Thoughts on Parashat Ki Tissa, February 19, 2011

An ancient Greek parable tells of a cat that was magically transformed into a Princess. The Princess was elegant, well mannered, and always with a ready smile on her face.  Everyone seemed to be enchanted by her nobility.

And then, one day, as the Princess greeted a group of admirers, a mouse happened to run into the room. In an instant, the Princess was transformed back into cat-like behavior. The illusion was over. Everyone realized she was not really a Princess after all, but was a cat  who was posing as a Princess.

Religion and Superstition:Thoughts for Shabbat Vayikra, March 12, 2011

During the past week, I received an email from an organization in Israel seeking donations for which donors would merit success, happy marriage and good health. The organization offered to have a Torah scholar pray at the Kotel from the Fast of Esther through the 7th day of Passover. They assured donors that this is a "very powerful time for hidden blessings to be revealed."  

At the Threshold:Thoughts on Parashat Bo, January 8, 2011

In their new book, "American Grace," Robert Putnam and David Campbell present a thought-provoking analysis of the role of religion in the United States. Based on a large nation-wide survey as well as exhaustive scholarly research, the authors provide keen insight into how religion divides and unites us. While there are certainly clear rifts in our society based on religious beliefs, the overall tone of American life is actually quite tolerant and inclusive.