
Benjamin Disraeli: An Ongoing Enigma

Although Disraeli was a Christian, a member of Parliament, a popular author, a confidant of Queen Victoria…his detractors never stopped seeing him as a Jew, an outsider, an interloper. He had to struggle against unceasing political malice and anti-Jewish malevolence. Instead of denying or de-emphasizing his Jewish roots, Disraeli flaunted his Jewishness.

About the Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals

Our Institute has an unwavering commitment to the Torah tradition and to the Jewish people. We promote a vision of Orthodox Judaism that is intellectually sound, spiritually compelling, and emotionally satisfying.  Appreciating the amazing diversity within Orthodoxy,  the Institute encourages responsible discussion of issues in Jewish law, philosophy, religious world-view, and communal policy.

Rosh Hashanah Campaign

As we approach the upcoming High Holy Day season, we wish our members and supporters all the best, good health and happiness. This is a good time for us to invest in those institutions and causes that strengthen Jewish life, so that we may build a better and stronger future for our community. Each gift to the Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals is a vote for an intellectually vibrant, compassionate, inclusive Orthodox Judaism.

Thoughts on Albert Einstein

 Albert Einstein (1879-1955) was one of humanity’s greatest geniuses, a man whose mind plumbed the depths of universe. But his greatness transcended his being gifted with an extraordinary IQ: he had imagination; he wondered about things; he let his mind drift in new and unexpected pathways.