The Death and Birth of the Halakhic Expert
Rabbi Dr. Nathan Lopes Cardozo is the Founder and Dean of the David Cardozo Academy and the Bet Midrash of Avraham Avinu in Jerusalem. Author of 14 books and numerous articles in both English and Hebrew, his latest book is Jewish Law as Rebellion: A Plea for Religious Authenticity and Halakhic Courage (Urim Publications), Jerusalem/New York, 2017. This article is an excerpt from this book.
Ladino Transitions
Ladino Transitions:
A Modern Orthodoxy with Social Impact and Relevance
The Modern Orthodox community today is treading water. It certainly is not dying, but it also is not excelling. Many have noted that the movement today is not only lacking great leadership but also heart and soul.
A Story of Ohs and Ahs
Maimonides [Yad Tefillah 8:12, 15:1], as well as several other Sephardic scholars, [declares] to be ‘illegin (=defective of speech) [those] people who cannot distinguish between the sounds of aleph and ayin or between th