Spirituality and Reality: Thoughts on Parashat Mishpatim, February 9, 2013

In last week’s Parasha, Yitro, we read the magnificent description of the Revelation of God at Mount Sinai. This was the loftiest moment in the history of the people of Israel—and in the history of humanity as a whole—when God directly conveyed the “Ten Commandments” as the foundation of religious and ethical life.

This week we read Mishpatim, which seems so mundane by contrast with Yitro. Mishpatim focuses on property rights, issues in business law, damages and restitution. These practical laws are interspersed with verses instructing us to be concerned for the welfare of the poor, widow and orphan; to be compassionate, since we ourselves were slaves in Egypt and should have learned from that experience to be sympathetic to those who suffer.

For Ourselves and for Others:Thoughts for Parashat Beshallah, February 4, 2012

A major theme in Jewish liturgy and religious observance is “zekher litsiyat mitsrayim”—in remembrance of the exodus from Egypt. The exodus was a central event that has profoundly impacted on the destiny of Israel. It ties together vital ideas: the providence of God; the election and nationhood of Israel; the victory of good over evil; the importance of prayer and song in expressing gratitude to the Almighty.

Prudence in Good Times and Bad: Thoughts for Parashat Mikkets, December 24, 2011

Thanks to Joseph’s interpretation of Pharaoh’s dreams, the Egyptians were spared a terrible calamity. Joseph offered a plan whereby the Egyptians could store produce of the seven years of abundance, so that they would have food during the following seven years of famine.

What if Joseph had not been there to give this advice? Presumably, the Egyptians would have fully enjoyed the seven years of abundance, thinking that prosperity would never end. When the famine would then arrive, the people would have been unprepared for the economic downturn. They would soon have run out of food and would have suffered years of starvation.

The Ins and Outs of Synagogue Life: Thoughts for Parashat Vayiggash, December 31, 2011

In their fascinating book, “American Grace,” Professors David Campbell and Robert Putnam report on the state of religion in America. Based on comprehensive surveys and interviews across the country, they found that the overwhelming majority of Americans believe in God and identify themselves with a religious tradition. For religious Americans, this is pleasing news.

Darkness that Leads to Light: Thoughts on Parashat Bo, January 28, 2012

Rabbi Yitzhak Shemuel Reggio, a 19th century Italian Torah commentator, offers an interesting insight concerning the plague of darkness. The Torah states that Egyptians spent three days in deep darkness while “all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings.”

Rabbi Reggio opines that the plague of darkness did not befall the land of Egypt—but rather the eyes of the Egyptians. Egypt itself was full of light; but while the Israelites continued to enjoy that light, the eyes of the Egyptians were blanketed in darkness. If an Egyptian stood right next to an Israelite, the Egyptian would be unable to see--but the Israelite would see clearly.

Sports and Sportsmanship: Thoughts on Parashat Mishpatim, February 18, 2012

At a recent basketball game between two yeshiva day schools, a parent of one of the players behaved very badly. He shouted abusive comments at members of the opposing team. He screamed a threat against one of the players.

This parent is an Orthodox rabbi, well known in his community; but he obviously was unable to control his rage and his overbearing competitiveness. Like so many other parents, he allowed his unbridled emotions to interfere with basic decency, good sportsmanship, and proper interpersonal relationships. His behavior shamed his son, shamed himself, and shamed the Torah.

Shalom from Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals--University Network

Shalom and best wishes for a happy Purim.

THANK YOU: We express sincere thanks to Alisa Bodner who has served as director of our University Network for the past nearly 2 years. She now lives in Israel and is working full time there, so that she is not able to continue her work for the University Network. We wish her happiness and success in her new endeavors.

NEW DIRECTOR OF CAMPUS FELLOWS PROGRAM: We are pleased that Raif Melhado will be serving as our new director of the Campus Fellows program. Raif is a rabbinical student at Yeshivat Chovevei Torah in Riverdale, NY, and brings a lot of enthusiasm and talent to his new post.

A Spiritual Revolution Underway: Thoughts for Shabbat Vayakhel-Pekudei, March 17, 2012

(This week’s Torah portion opens with Moshe calling together the people of Israel. A “kahal”, congregation, is composed of individuals who share a common background, destiny, ideology. Often, a “kahal” is centered in a particular location. But a “kahal” can also be composed of individuals who may be in different locations, but who share ideas and ideals. This week’s Angel for Shabbat column is based on an address I delivered at the annual dinner of Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, held on Sunday night March 11. It relates not just to the large “kahal” that attended the dinner, but to the worldwide “kahal” of Jews who believe in an intellectually vibrant, compassionate, inclusive Orthodox Judaism.)