Synagogues, Empty and Full:Thoughts for Parashat Vayikra, March 24, 2012

National polls conducted by the Gallup Organization report that, of all religious groupings in the United States, Jews are least likely to attend public worship at least once a week. The only group scoring lower than Jews consists of atheists, agnostics or those with no religious affiliation!

Less than 15 percent of the Jewish community attends synagogue services weekly. When the Gallup poll is adjusted to exclude Orthodox Jews who attend synagogue more regularly, it turns out that less than 5 percent of all other Jews attend weekly synagogue services.

University Network News

Shalom uvrakha, and best wishes for a happy Pessah.
Here are a few items that may be of interest to you:

1. We are now accepting applications from those who wish to serve as Campus Fellows during the coming academic year. Campus Fellows receive a stipend of $300 per semester, plus some funding toward event expenses. Campus Fellows arrange two events per semester, dealing with topics of interest to those seeking an intellectually vibrant, compassionate and inclusive Orthodox Judaism. If you'd like to apply, please email Raif Melhado for details: [email protected] Deadline for applications is May 15, so please contact Raif asap.

Confronting Tragedy: Thoughts on Parashat Shemini, April 21, 2012

In this week’s Torah portion, we read of the tragic deaths of two of Aaron’s sons. When he learned the sad news, “Aaron was silent,” vayidom Aharon. Commentators have offered various explanations of Aaron’s silence. He may have been speechless due to shock; he may have had angry thoughts in his heart, but he controlled himself from uttering them; he may have been silent as a sign of acceptance of God’s judgment.

Within biblical tradition, there are a number of phrases relating to confrontation with tragedy.

“Min haMetsar Karati Y-ah,” I call out to God from distress. When in pain, it is natural to cry out to God, to shed tears, to lament our sufferings and our losses. To cry out when we are in distress is a first step in the grieving process.

Mountains to Ascend

Two mountains are of special significance in our religious tradition.

Mount Sinai was the site of the Revelation of God to the people of Israel. This was the place where the Torah was given, where our religion was established. Yet, we do not actually know where Mount Sinai is! Some claim to identify this mountain, but we do not have a clear, unbroken tradition as to its real location. We don’t have major tours and excursions to this holiest of locations. We don’t pray facing toward Mount Sinai.

Special offer to students enrolled in University Network of IJII

Shalom and best wishes. I hope all is well and that your school year is going well. Through the generosity of several supporters of the Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals, we are able to offer students the following of my books at no charge. You may already have all or some of them; but if not, email me at [email protected] and let me know the book/s you'd like, as well as your mailing address.

Maimonides: Essential Teachings on Jewish Faith and Ethics (an introduction to the thought of Maimonides; a translation of most of the Book of Knowledge and 13 Principles of Faith; and a running commentary.)

Maimonides, Spinoza and Us: Toward an Intellectually Vibrant Judaism (a study of basic themes in the writings of Rambam and Spinoza)

Private Life and Public Exhibitionism: Thoughts on Parashat Vayeshev, December 17, 2011

A recent scandal in our community relates to an article written by a student in an Orthodox women’s college, published in a school publication. The author of the article tells of a sexual encounter—real or imagined. Defenders of the article argue for the right of freedom of expression. Critics complain that the article (published anonymously) reflects immoral behavior and should not have been included in a student publication of an Orthodox school. The media have enjoyed reporting on this incident, as they enjoy reporting on scandals in general.

Why would a student write such an article? Why would the editors of the publication agree to publish it?

Each Person Can Make a Difference: Thoughts on Parashat Va-et-hanan, August 13, 2011

 This week’s Torah portion includes the instruction that we do that “which is right and good in the sight of the Lord” (Devarim 6:18).  Rabbinic tradition has understood this phrase to mean that we are required not merely to follow the letter of the law (that which is right), but to be compassionate beyond what the exact law demands (that which is good).  If we can conduct ourselves on this level of righteousness, we can live better lives for ourselves and can impact on the improvement of society.

We are Caretakers, not Owners: Thoughts on Parashat Re'eh, August 27, 2011


The Sages of Talmudic times often expressed profound ideas in terse, enigmatic statements. An example of this is found in the Midrashic comment: “The world was created in the merit of three things: in the merit of [the mitzvoth of] Hallah, tithes, and first fruits” (Yalkut Shimoni, Bereishith 1:2). If we were to speculate as to which mitzvoth were absolutely vital to the creation, we might have chosen other—seemingly more important—commandments: e.g. the Sabbath, the laws of holiness, the sanctification of One God etc.